The Author

Creator and lead author of the Complementary Mathematics website, Dan Hupp is an award-winning math educator whose career includes 25 years in the classroom, 15 years as a state mathematics and assessment specialist (Maine Department of Education) and now continues as a provider of professional development for math teachers/faculties. During his time in the classroom, his students received scores of achievement awards at the state, regional and national levels.

Complementary Mathematics

Using the activities, assignments and approaches developed and polished across that 25-year classroom span, Hupp’s math classes attained the highest possible scores on the state math assessments across an unprecedented number of consecutive years. Coincidently, during this same timeframe Maine ranked at the very top of the country’s student achievement in mathematics listing as determined by the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP), also know as The Nation’s Report Card: 97488.pdf ( pages 28 – 30. The educational materials that contributed to the student achievement referenced earlier are now shared within this website.

Hupp is quick to acknowledge the myriad contributions of friends, colleagues, and most importantly, his former students, without whom this website would not have been possible.

Maine Sunday Telegram –excerpt from the Sunday April 14, 1996 edition

Dennis Hoey Staff Writer
PUBLICATION: Maine Sunday Telegram (Portland, ME)

DATE: April 14, 1996

“Math Class Comes Alive”

Paragraphs 6 -8

For 10 years, Hupp’s classes have drawn the attention of state educators. His eighth-grade students have scored a cumulative 400 – the highest possible score on the math section of the Maine Educational Assessment.

Brud Maxcy, state co-ordinator of the MEA, said no other school in the state has consistently scored at the highest level of the math test for that long.

“We’re looking at a school that has been at the very top of the bell curve for a long time,” Maxcy said. “For this school to consistently score at that level is pretty impressive.”

Paragraphs 13 and 14

His classroom is well-ordered. Twenty-three shiny plaques, citations from the New England Mathematics League, adorn a wall. Diagrams of triangles, curves, parallelograms, angles and trapezoids have been posted on other walls.

Students can’t help but notice a giant poster that reads, “The Try Angle. The best approach to any problem.”

Curriculum Vitae –Daniel Hupp


After 41 years across a variety of experiences in Maine public education, I retired from the Maine Department of Education (2013) to begin a private consulting business focusing on customizedmodels of professional development as identified by teachersof mathematics and educators with assessment responsibilities. Specific services offered are provided on an accompanying document.

Professional Experience:

9/1972-6/1973, Mt. Vernon Elementary School (ME), teacher, grades 5-8, math and science

9/1973-6/1974, South Berwick Central School, teacher, grade 4 self-contained

9/1975-6/1998, Great Salt Bay Community School, teacher, grades 6-8, mathematics; half-time math teacherhalf-time assistant principal 1993-1998

9/75-6/83, Union #74 Adult Education Program, teacher of high school mathematics through 1979, director of adult education program through 1980-83

7/1998-6/2000, Maine Mathematics and Science Alliance, state-wide professional development in mathematics and assessment, state coordinator of the Maine Assessment Portfolio (mathematics)

6/2000-7/2013, Maine Dept. of Education, mathematics and assessment specialist through 2009, director of standards and assessment 2009-13

10/2014 - present, Dan Hupp Educational Consulting, LLC, proprietor

8/2021 - present, Complementary Mathematics website, lead author/developer

Other Notable Professional Experiences/Achievements/Recognitions:

1991-1996, selected to the New Standards Project state leadership team; 1992 -1998, teacher liaison to state MathCounts program; 1995 –received the national Presidential Award for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching (PAEMST); 1996 –present, member of Council of Presidential Awardees in Mathematics (CPAM); 1996 –appointed to MDOE State Assessment Design Team; 1997 -selected by MDOE to the Distinguished Educator program to help unveil and roll out The Maine Learning Results; 2002- completed the National Leadership Academy program (WestEd); 2000 –present (now emeritus) member of Association of State Supervisors of Mathematics; 2006- MDOE Employee of the Year; 2007 -Induction into USM Bailey Hall Wall of Fame; 2010-2013 -elected as  founding member to the executive committee of the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC); 2011-2013 –selected to the National Assessment Governing Board’s Policy Task force (NAGB); 2013- received Distinguished Service Award from the CollegeBoard; 2022- launched Complementary Mathematics website


1972, B.S. Ed., University of Southern Maine

1981, M.S. Ed., University of Southern Maine

MDOE Professional Certificate #448703, Level 020, CHRC approved